Friday, August 27

kisah kami~~~

as we go on..
           we'll remember..
all the times we've..
           spent together..

Next week.
Next week..!
Next week...!!!!!

balik. yay! ;] 
woh. bab ni mmg smgt nk citer, tapi tjuk entri laen plak. haha.. okaih. straight to the main point.

for all dis times, we've endured pain and fun 'stress' (hehe) and at last, the gown set is already finished n sent to our beloved teacher. 

yeah. there it is. our sweetest project.

credit to everyone yang bersusah payah,bersemangat waja buat si gojes nii. >_<

ye, smua sudah siap, tp next project xstat lg. the one with heksagon yg me-nurdiniey still xphm.. 


that's me. sje je nk clear my head about KINO, annyss neh mmg klo bab2 kefahaman, ssh sket nk msuk. klau enn(my sis), die lg kjam, sbb straight die kate, " ngah, bosann la kcek nga mu nih, xphm2." haa.. sweet x aina mardhati. n lps tu, annyss ni pon ape lagi, sekeh la die skali 2 bijik.

to my dear nakama, thanks for all these times yg snggup stay still, sbr je ngan my swing moods. Bkn niat d hati nk cut ur heart, tearing them apart. tp, that's anis nurdiniey. the one yg OVERLY sensitive, OVERLY bekeng, OVERLY hepi ble kwn2 syum,OVERLY eksaited ble ad yg tggu, OVERLY prsan baik tp xbaik2 ponn,OVERLY buat benda ikut kata hati n etc2.

okeyhh.. n it's done. hee.. sbnrnya, raut wjh one of my nakama mse tu still terpampang kt my memory, jd wlupn da mntk maaf, i cant still rase dek je. guilty tu msh ad. huuu~~~ byanne...!

okeyh, ini lah hasil usaha sama kami ~~~>>>>

woah.. bling2. ;P
haa.. my nakama duk jahit tuu..~~ n me duk amik gmbr je. heh.

folio : the draft
Our Tie n Dye ~Tissues project~~~~ kyaaa

lastly, sesi penilaian kerja~~~~ ( ",)v
huu.. sebenarnya, masih ada lagi gambar nk di upload, tapi cukup lah dlu kan.  (^___^)

i'm ending my post with this.. ~~~>>

Sabda Rasulullah SAW yang bermaksud :

“Mintalah fatwa (nasihat) pada hatimu, kebaikan adalah sesuatu yang membuat hatimu tenang, dan keburukan adalah sesuatu yang membuat hati gelisah.” ( Riwayat Ahmad dan ad Darimi )

Masih berusaha improve diri yg serba serbi xlgkp~~~



Daisypath Friendship tickers