Friday, January 21

it's blissful :)

serius, gambar ni tak diambil sebab budak ni comel, 
tapi sebab dia err.... cute? =.=''

Salam alaik~

'Things i wish i'd known back then..'


Pernah tak buat satu list panjang pasal future? lebih kurang dreams n impians yang kita nak capai pada umur tertentu?

hmm.. mesti ada orang yang buat camtu kan, then bila baca balik things yang kita tulis back then dan tengok betapa jauhnya kita tersasar dari yang kita harap, apa yang kita rasa?

probably, dissapointed?

sebab hajat tak kesampaian?

or simply rasa ' urggghh.. ak dulu memang melucukan and obviously ridiculous..' dan simply lempar kertas yang tulis tu dalam tong sampah.

well, entahlah. different people, different view. :)

Sebenarnya baru lepas baca novel ni. ehe.. 'Things i wish I'd Known Back Then'.

BEST. :)

::what i get from the book:: 

BE GRATEFUL FOR WHAT U HAVE NOW, and dont simply regret tentang past things, sebab apa yang kita nak when kita masih kecik molek kiut miut muka sememeh ngan coklat and innocent,  tak sama dengan apa yang kita harapkan pada masa sekarang.

contohnya, dulu bercita2 nanti aku umur 20 nak jadi ultraman.
tak ke pelik tuhh.

dan lepas baca buku tu kan... wahhhh.. rasa blissful. contented lah. tak tau, dah nak rasa macam tu nak buat camana.

maybe sebab watak that girl yang terkapai2 mencari impian hidup dia dan masih tak pasti dengan apa yang dia buat sekarang tu kut yang interesting? hehe.. lucu la.

cuma tertarik yang when dia buat list things tu. last question yang dia tanya diri dia, " are you happy now?"

wah. are u happy now, cik penulis? :P

hmm.. yes?

YES. :) 


sedang asyik mencari gambar nak upload lam blog ni, tertekan bahagian forum ni. i copied it here ye ... ni haa.

Happiness is not found in material things, I use to think designer clothes, cars, motorbikes, mobile phones, going out etc. could keep me happy but it only lasted a while and you always feel empty.

Does anyone else feel that warm feeling when praying or listening to the muezzin call or reading Quran? I can’t put it into words like but does anyone know what I mean?

I’d almost forgotten how it felt it feels so good.

I once read that sinning weakens our faith and it’s so true the more we sin, that warm feeling starts to fade away, the emptier our heart starts to feel and our consciences start to die down, religion just becomes some rituals you do to keep mum and dad happy and at the back of your head you start loosing faith in religion until you leave it all together.

But when you repent and do good actions and abstain from bad ones and pray with sincerity (with wazu) and stuff that feeling comes back and starts getting more and more intense.

It’s funny how they think Islam is oppressive and boring, and we’re not allowed to do practically anything but they’ve never been in our shoes so how do they know anything? Their lifestyle is obviously attractive but once you’ve experienced it is not all that compared to the simple modest yet great lifestyle the Prophet PBUH lived even after becoming practically the king of Arabia it just makes you feel so content.

They say that such and such an Izlemic country is oppressive (and to convince themselves and others of this fallacy they’ll listen to a minority from that country, one in a million who aggress with their views and propagate it like mad) and this that and the other, although with the Islamic lifestyle there’s rules and regulations but the blissful feeling that comes with those rules and regulations beats anything.

What’s the point in clothes, cars, and pleasures of the flesh when you can’t truly be happy? The western lifestyle is so empty.

I think I’ll stop blabbing on now I’m so delighted I found that feeling again I just had to tell someone, I just hope it stays, I could loose anything for it.

Perasaan yang dia duk citer tuu kan, sedang longing nak rasa balik. sebab sekarang rasa happy, tapi deep inside, rasa empty.

nak rasa balik that feeling.

yang bila baca Quran, rasa serene sampai menitik air mata.

yang bila hanya duk sorang2 dalam bilik, tetap rasa blissful.

rasa being blessed.


Ending post with this :

“(iaitu) orang yang beriman dan hati mereka menjadi tenteram dengan mengingati Allah. Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah, hati akan menjadi tenteram..'
(Surah ar-Ra’d, ayat 28)

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